
Monday 5 November 2012

About Salt Cay

Salt Cay, the land that time forgot, is just a mere 2.5 square miles of land located on the eastern edge of the Caribbean. Salt Cay is the most remote of the Turks and Caicos Islands and it is sparsely settled.

At one time there was a fairly large population working the salt flats for export to the United States and Europe. This tiny island, along with Grand Turk and South Caicos were said to produce a majority of the world’s consumable salt. Unable to keep up with the demands of modern society and the need to accommodate large ships, the last of the salt industry closed its doors forever in the late 1970’s. The majority of young families eventually migrated off the island to nearby Providenciales and Grand Turk to find work. The current population, including the residing ex-patriots, numbers less than one hundred.

There are a few cars and trucks on the island, and most transportation is done on foot, bicycle, or golf carts. The pace is slow here on Salt Cay, the tradewinds blow a steady breeze across the narrow island, and the need to rush about and fill one’s day with activity dwindles quickly. The remains of the salt industry still stand as ruins along with the now empty buildings that once housed government officials, business owners, and families over the hundreds of years of salt production. With its slow pace and limited activities, Salt Cay is the ideal place to escape from the reality of a fast paced world into a world forgotten by time, and that is just what makes it so special and so unforgettable.


Guests come for the highly rated scuba diving and especially to see the Humpback whales migrating to their winter breeding grounds on the nearby Mouchoir Banks. Others come to enjoy an island where the transportation includes golf carts and bicycles, where walks on the beach leave only your footprints, and where the “bright lights” are the stars. The water is clear, warm, calm, and a color that you must see to believe. Visiting Salt Cay means stepping into a different time… a time to take it easy… island style…
Snorkeling - Enjoy the crystal clear, warm, turquoise waters, tropical fish, and beautiful coral in various locations around the island. Most of the best snorkeling is just a short walk from Mt. Pleasant
Scuba diving - Experience the uniqueness of diving the beautiful Coral Reefs here in Salt Cay. Dive package and trips can be arranged for you, just inquire.
Rodales says: Of the TOP 5 CARIBBEAN Destinations… Salt Cay rates:
Best Advanced Diving #1
Best Dive Destinations #2
Best Value #3
Healthiest Marine Environment #3
Best Wall Dive #3
Best Macro Life #4
Best Fish Life #4
Best Underwater Photography #4
Wreck diving - Dive the HMS Endymion. The 1790 British Man-O-War, judged the best preserved and never salvaged 18th century wreck site in the WORLD! Its a 16 mile boat trip, but when the weather is good, it’s a sight not to be missed. Do this with a stop at Great Sand Cay, one of the most gorgeous beaches you will ever see!
Night diving - Dive at night and explore the coral reef a completely new way. Many creatures on the reef come out only at night so if you aren’t night diving you’re only getting half the experience!
Diving with whales - This can be done during the first three months of the year when the humpback whales migrate to their winter breading grounds on the Mouchoir banks between Salt Cay and the Dominican Republic. You will often see or hear them when you dive at this time of the year. If you are not a diver, arrange for a seat on a whale watching boat, and hop in with them for a swim… Green Flash Whales has hydrosound equipment on-board, so you can listen to their songs while watching. This area is the calfing grounds of the humpback whale and mother and calf encounters are frequent. Soft water encounters are allowed in the Turks and Caicos, and all boat operators exercise extreme caution while still getting you in for a close encounter. Memories to last a lifetime….
Beach walking - Your footprints, the only thing that’s left behind you when you walk the beaches in solitude.
Bicycle riding - If you stay at Mt. Pleasant your bike is free, if not, you can rent a bike, or a golf cart and tour around the island. If you would like to rent a cart on island you should do it in advance as there is limited availability. You can make cart arrangements through Mount Pleasant.
Hammocking - You can rest peacefully under the cool Ocean breeze.
Nature trails - Several miles of trails for exploring souls and fabulous birdwatching are available. Walk the trails to the old whale lookout ruins or around the salinas.
Excursions - Explore the history of the island from the salt flats to the old buildings, the amazing ruins from a time long gone.
Robinson Crusoe - Day trips, picnics to nearby deserted islands, plan a trip to Gibb’s Cay to snorkel with the stingrays. Enjoy the fabulous rays without all the crowds of other Stingray Cities.
Shelling - Search for conch, sea shells, and all kinds of goodies washed ashore
Photography - Many old buildings, fences, gateways, and ruins waiting to be framed…plus wildlife, feral donkeys, cows, migrating birds, and scenic vistas abound.
Relax with a great book Read with only the waves to distract you. You’ll have uninterrupted time nearly anywhere on the island.
Napping - Rest under the shade of a tree or on the beach and listen to the ocean.

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